Everyone who trains jiu-jitsu or submission grappling should watch this video and consider what it means for the application of grappling to self-defense. The guard slam is prohibited in judo competitions and in most bjj tournaments. This tournament is an exception. Daki Age (aka the High Lift or Guard Slam) is an officially recognized Kodokan judo throw that has been banned from competiton due to a high incidence of injury. Basically, while you are in the guard you pick up the opponent drop him hard on his back. In this video it is performed after the opponent jumps to guard. The result is unconsciousness.
Dropping the person on his back in this way is no more dangerous than any other hard throw from standing. There is a tendency for people to get dropped on their heads and injure their necks. During the discussion of banning this throw from judo the dissenting opinion was that leaving it out would promote sloppy ne waza attacks (armbars and triangles). In other words there should be a penalty for poor ground technique.
What is the lesson contained in this video? When you are off the ground, you should be on your feet. Period. It doesn't matter if you have an armbar or triangle set. If the person goes unconscious you are going to land on your head. Getting lifted and hanging on your opponent, jumping to guard as in this video, or trying to jump on the persons back while they are on their feet are bad ideas. They represent a watering down of the combative roots of judo and jiujitsu and should not be encouraged.
Thanks to my friend and training partner Stonnie Dennis for sending this video to me.
Follow this link to another blog with a similar view about the unfortunate trend judo has taken over the years: http://betterjudo.com/the-sissification-of-judo/
Brian Jones, PhD
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